Name of author and text
Peggy McIntosh/ White Privilege: unpacking the invisible knapsack
White privilege has been the norm in this country since the Mayflower landed. Unfortunately it will continue for as long as I am still alive and maybe last a lot longer after I die. This is the same as with men having privilege, except unfortunately for women the privilege of men is all across the world.
In McIntosh's article it is discussed how white people are taught in schools that they have privilege without even knowing it. When children are taught about american history in schools it is always about just white American history. Sure African Americans get a whole month to celebrate their history, the shortest month. when I was in high school the teachers did not even spend the whole month discussing black history. They talk about MLK and then said that's a wrap. There is not a single black person I know that even recognizes black history month. We celebrate black history 365 a Year.
When it comes to privilege of any kind being white is the best one to have. people who are rich can lose all their money and be poor, you can change your religion (for the most part), you can relocate to another area, but if you are white you are good. You can not lose your whiteness. Just like black people can not lose their blackness, unless you are Michael Jackson (just kidding).
When McIntosh makes a list of conditions that African Americans can not count on I really started to think about how the list was so true. the one that stud out the most to me was # 15. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group. Every time something happens the news always a black guy "well how do think black people fell about this or that".
In the end things wont get any better if people do not admit that there is a such thing as "White Privilege". the more and more we decide not to talk about racial issues the worse they will get. people say that speaking on race makes them uncomfortable, okay it should I mean speaking about rape, child abuse, kidnapping, and other sick things make me and many other people uncomfortable too. It is supposed to and that is okay. lets talk about racial issues so we can fix the problem. I think the people that do not wish to discuss the issue believe the old saying "if it ain't broke don't fix it" well its broke so lets fix it now.
When I was doing this reading I was stopping and thinking when I didn't understand something so I could try and take it all in and make sure I was comprehending what was being said and where it came from. The trouble is that I could not process what I did not directly experience and by being in that mentality I realized that some people try and some people just live mindlessly. We should always question how we live, educate, and speak because we are all biased to our own personal experience. There should be education in how to better educate- not just history to a specific group but all groups.